We dared to do what they were scared to do

2011-one child is born- having my masters in education- thought I could find work- but no openings- we were living in a mold invested basement apartment. I saved up family gifts to buy my first camera
Lost a kid through miscarriage and it could have taken me out - but I kept pressing on
I worked in the late hours of the night- while nursing to watch anything and everything about photography and graphic design
2012- I saved up for months to purchase my business license - I made so many mistakes that first year- settings were all off- some clients never used me again
2013-2017- did online classes and shot every single weekend to hone my skills- started making 2,000 designs to sell online on multiple stores
2018- we were getting booked up for 25 weddings a year and my online businesses were crushing it
2019- work became too much do my health, stress level and family dynamic took a toll, so I decided to to make 2020 as a sabatacle- only taking select jobs, online marketing work and mentoring
2020 hit- my husband lost one job, so we started him a business- within a month, he was full time (@handyandyfixes )
we started another business that same year to build tiny homes ( @nomadearthdesign )
our marriage is strong, our kids are two grade levels ahead through homeschooling and I went from 210-160 lbs through working out daily and putting my health first
Being able to roll with the punches, and create dispite your circumstances is called grit.
And if 2020 has taught us anything- is that there are very few people that can take a punch and get back up swinging
Dare to do what they are scared to do