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Our top favorite commercial free stock photo, video and vector sites (that are free or cheap!)

Need help with finding stock photos, videos and vectors for free? . Looking for footage for your next video?  Don’t have a large budget for stick vectors or clip art?  Watch me talk about my favorite (free and cheap!)  Go to stock sites like,,, and more! 

Did this help you? We would love to hear your comments about other sites you like? 

She lives, breathes and does media and marketing pretty much 24-7 for over 14 local business through social media management, website design, photo, video or media coverage or graphic design.

She is a homeschool mom of three, cat lover, sushi eater and poke fan!

She started her business in 2011 with nothing but a $400 camera from Amazon, now she is has been published in over 60 different blogs and websites for her media work and rank top Wedding Photographer in Virginia Beach.


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Chesapeake virginia wedding portrait family child senior photography photobooth event photographer norfolk virginia beach hampton roads

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Virginia Photos and Films 



are all divisions of Virginia Marketing and Media LLC


  Graphics, photos, video, marketing,  design and more under one roof.


Chesapeake, VA


We serve all customers and families the same and do not discriminate

based on race, gender, religion, sexuality or for any other reason.  






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