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Want to Be


We want to build community and celebrate our local artists over competition (23).gif

Have a story that you want to share with the world? 

Photographers only please! 

If you are a model or an individual- you have to have your photographer fill our the submission forms below. 


would love to see your story

What make's your voice unique and different? (32).gif

did you do a creative shoot?

We would love to show others what you do and how they can get in contact to work with you

Be featured on our ig, our facebook, our tik tok and our blog possibly

We love building other artist's following, account and reputation by crosspointing your work on our platform- more exposure for you, means more work! 



find a theme.



Image by Lopez Robin

Any sweet summer moments of love and laughter? 

Image by Chris Lawton

Bright colors, seasons changing, night time snuggles, sharing a firelit night... any more ideas? 

Image by Element5 Digital

Any cool twist on school supplies, awkward school photos or vintage school desks? 

Image by Alex

bokeh lights, mugs by the fire, reading a magical story, making a wish on a star...

Image by David Menidrey

anyone love to cosplay, or do harry potter stuff? Any disney bounders? 

Image by Aaron Burden

snowy kisses, blanket hugs, icicles, melting snow..


if you get accepted

Wait for the online link to your

magazine to purchase from our store! 



How Can We Help You? 

We love to support and give resources to photographers all over Hampton Roads through coaching, ebooks and more


Want to go full time in your photo biz?

Read about my marketing strategy from 10 years of experience


Rent our private studio space in Chesapeake!

500+ Square feet, 1 acre of land, interactive murals, custom boho wagon, NEON Walls and more! 


Want to get our merch? 

Support our work in publishing this magazine by shopping at our merch store!


Need a coach?

I love to mentor young photographers who need help with everything from running a successful business, to shooting a camera


Christal Marshall





It all started out of depression

and losing a child.

I have a Masters in Education and always thought that I was going to go into teaching full-time and be a principal by the time I was 35. But my plans changed when I had my first child In 2010. I went from working full-time, being a director of a nonprofit that worked for inner-city kids and writing curriculum, organizing summer camp experiences to changing diapers and being alone in a basement apartment filled with mold for two years.

Then we lost our second child in the first trimester and it brought me to the point of contemplating suicide.

We then couldn’t even afford to live in a basement apartment in Washington DC and so we moved to one room of a family’s house for two months to try to make ends meet. Then we moved to Virginia Beach and got a small apartment while I started my business and my husband volunteered as a minister.

I started shooting photography for friends and family from the knowledge that I gained from watching YouTube videos in 2011 with a $400 camera from Amazon.
We became a licensed business in Chesapeake, VA in 2012. We have added videography, an event photobooth, social media management, marketing & graphic design to our list of services that we taught ourselves.
Now we shoot over 100 shoots, sessions, events a year, averaging 100,000 photos taken.

We work with an average of 14 to 20 different brands and small businesses each year- creating contact with them each and every year through graphic design, websites, marketing co suits branding and logos

We have been featured over 60 times on various online publications and we were voted One of the Top Photographers in Va Beach in 2016,2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021
In 2020, after the loss of my husband’s minister position, we started not one but two different businesses for him. He specializes in home renovations, reclaimed furniture creation and tiny homes.

Now me and my husband run four businesses full-time and we homeschool three children. Our house is a constant construction zone and creation zone. Besides homeschooling, I mentor other photographers in the area and my passion is educating other business owners to create and manage successful businesses.


We are passionate about mentoring, coaching and training, using our property to be a safe space to learn, grow and become better creators. 



Our goal to to build community over competition!


Follow our crazy life here: 



FOLLOW US ON  instagram






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