How to: Shoot in Private Places

I had a senior that requested to take pictures at their favorite bookstore in Downtown Norfolk, VA. My first thought was, "How cool!" I had never shot in a real locally owned bookstore before. Before I even got there, I had his mom call ahead of time to ask permission. But when I showed up, the clerk had NO IDEA that I was coming.
At first, she was a little surprised and had a lot of questions. She asked me how much equipment that I had and how much time that I needed. She also asked how long that he was going to take in the bathroom. She wanted to make sure that we won't going to be too loud for the customers.
But I was very sweet to her and wanted to be as accommodating as possible to her requests.

The first thing that I did was arrive early and let her know what was going to be happening in about 30 mins. Then I gave her my business card and told her that she could contact her for anything.

I made sure that I listened to her rules about where I could take photos and how long. I made sure that I put everything back the way that I found it. I really wanted to be as sweet as possible.

I told her that I would only need 15 mins. or so with my senior. I made sure that I stuck to that. I would have hated to ruin our relationship by being annoying and staying too long.

At the end, I was very grateful and shook her hand. Noah's family even bought a book from them, to support their business.

As soon as I had photos online, I tagged them on their facebook page. I also tagged them on instagram.

Overall, If you use a space that you know might be owned by someone, take the time to thank them!
I would love to see how this has helped in your photographic journey!
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