Do You Have What It Take To Be A Wedding Photographer?
The Skill Sets Most Needed In my experience of over seven years of doing wedding photography, wedding photography is not about...

How Extend a Background in Photoshop
Every want to get those seamless images in the studio, but yet getting bigger paper is so much more money? Watch my video on my youtube...

How to do a "Magical Christmas" Edit in Photoshop
Ever Wonder how to make your photos look magical on photoshop? First you must start with a good photo. The trick to this photo is that I...

When a photoshoot landed me in the Hospital!
if you are taking photos for people and you are
doing it just for fun and you're doing without a
business license, you could have this h

You are NOT a real photographer unless you do this
So you got a sweet camera. And you just opened it up and started taking a few pictures. After a couple of days or so after taking...

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Jump into a Wedding Photography Business
Do you know what it takes to dive right into owning a wedding photography business? Listen to my true stories to get yourself ready!

Making your site more GOOGLE friendly
So you have a website. Yeah! Besides filling your facebook feed with your posts, what are some other ways for people to find out about...

Get your life back and learn how to edit a session in under an hour!
When I started photography, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't realize that taking a picture would have so much work behind the...

Learn my website secrets!
So in the world of facebook and social media, is a website valuable? I would definitely say yes! Having all of your info and portfolio...

Five Minute Photography Tip: Shutter Speed Light Painting
Have you ever wondered how photographers do the following shots: (photo above by Anthony Marshall) It's actually really easy! First of...

How to Capture Summer Fun
Summer is upon us! Be ready for lot's of memories, vacations, new tastes, new laughs and NEW photo inspiration! Don't leave your dslr at...

On being a hot mess and a photographer
Right when you think you have everything together, get ready to be humbled! So it all happened when I was asked to do newborn baby photos...

Help! No one wants to hire me!
Do you ever feel like you're a little fish in a big pond? I know I do. There are 1000 registered photographers in my area alone. I could...

Find out your photography style.
Finding your style is a very important first step in your photography journey. I personally didn't know what I wanted to take pictures of...

Why you shouldn't go to "JCPenney" for your family photos..
I used to hear these comments all the time: "Why should I pay more for photos, when I can go to picture people/walmart/sears/jcpenney and...