How to Get Better Family Pictures During Your Session

It's picture time... (kid's start to roll their eyes.)
You've booked your photographer (hopefully, it's me :) , paid your deposit and laid out your outfits for your shoot. You get the kids in their car seats and tell them all sorts of bribes to get them to smile during the session.
You arrive at the location, your photographer greets you and your children hide between your legs. Ughh... You start to hate doing family photos!
Here are some ways that you can make your photo session a little bit easier:

Children will NOT doing what you want, when you want them to. It's totally OK. If the photographer is good with kids, then they will roll with whatever the little ones are doing. The photographer just wants your kids to be happy. So if your kids are happiest running around and jumping, and not sitting still, then no problem!

A good photographer will know when a candid moment will happen and be prepared for it! Just be flexible. I know that my favorite moments are the ones that you will not expect or plan for.

The worst is when you need to squat with your kids on a rug and you are wearing heels! I have seen it happen more than once. You aren't going to JC Penney for a few head shots, you are having a custom, fun outdoor (or sometimes indoor) session! So relax, take your shoes off, be comfortable!

Sometimes the photographer will tell you to do some pretty funny things, like: "Look down, or look up." Just go with it! Your photographer knows exactly what they want to make your special moment happen. This photo was taken with me on a chair! Go figure!

You want to look good together, but the white t-shirt and black pants is cheesy and overused. Match your photos with what is already the theme in your house!

Just know that your family session will be fun, memorable and natural! So just smile!
Let me know if you have any other questions!
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