Chesapeake, VA Senior Photographer, "A Rainy Day Senior Session with Brianna."

The weather man said it was going to be 65 and sunny today. I had already rescheduled with Bri twice! She is graduating in one month, doesn't the weather know that?
Literally as she was pulling up, there was buckets of rain POURING down on me, I was literally hiding under my reflector trying to shield my camera gear.
There was one point that I had run out of ideas and I asked Bri what made her laugh. She said that cuss words made her smile. Oh God forgive me, but I let one slide for her amazing smile. HAHA.

We had to constantly dodge rain cloud bursts. And when the sun FINALLY came out, we just made it work.

This girl was a TROOPER! She had a great attitude the WHOLE time, even though the rain could have put a damper on her experience.

I didn't want to get any of my stuff wet, so all I had for this shoot was my 85mm 1.8 and my 58mm 1.4 and my two cameras strapped to me.
There was one point that we only had 2 feet by 8 feet of dry ceiling to work with. We had to hide under this picnic structure until the rain finally stopped. I had to come up with 10 different poses in 20 minutes. Go me!

Brianna is a runner and is getting a full ride to Virginia Wesleyan. Good luck with all your endeavors in the future!
Thank you so much for letting me come out and document such a special occasion!
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