How to Photography: 10+ EASY Bridal Portrait Pose Ideas
It was SO hot outside and of course he was wearing wool dress blues. We couldn't walk very many places without making them sweat. So I had to come up with 10+ poses in under 45 minutes in a small park area.
Here is a little behind the scenes of me working with them.
Here are some of my favorites poses to share with you from our time together:
She chose this one as her profile picture- it really flatters her waist line.
I love how they were looking at each other!
I kept the camera rolling through their smiles!
He him look at you and her look at him!
Love this one!
I love how her hands were on his chest!
I brought my own fold up chair to the park! Great little thing to have in your car!
It was a challenge to pose him in dress blues- there were so many rules that he had to follow. But just moving his head side-to-side or coming up close to him or far away really changed it up!
Just having her look down or to the side changes the mood of the photo!
Sometimes it's okay not to have them look at you!
Just getting their torsos or her bouquet is simple and pretty.
I had him lean into her and kiss her on the temple- so romantic.
Just having her lean on his shoulder is so cute!
Hopefully this helps you visualize some different poses that don't take much special equipment or fancy angles. Al of these images above were taken with the same lens- the Nikkor 58mm 1.4.
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